Emily’s Story: Getting Help Through NDIS Counselling

Hi, I’m Emily. For as long as I can remember, anxiety was my side kicks. Every morning I’d wake up with a knot in my stomach, dreading the day ahead. Tasks felt overwhelming and I’d often avoid social situations, afraid of making a fool out of myself. There was nothing that felt like it could make me happy!

It got to the point where I knew I needed help. That’s when I found NDIS Counselling. I was matched with a counsellor named Brittany and from our first session I felt a weight lift off my shoulders. I’m not good with counselling, sometimes I find it hard to trust support in my life, but Brittany was different. From the start, she created a safe space where I could freely express my thoughts and share my feelings. She was warm, patient and really listened to what I had to say. During the first few meetings, she told me my anxiety wasn’t something to be ashamed of and there were ways to manage it.  

We worked on practical strategies so I could get through a session without claming up. Brittany taught me regulation techniques and breathing exercises to use when I felt a panic attack coming on, such as compartmentalizing thought in a ‘mind box’ for later. 

One of the more recent breakthroughs we had was realizing my anxiety with large crowded areas wasn’t because of my fear of these spaces, but was actually rooted in my insecurities. One of the biggest wins for me was learning to set achievable goals for each task I wanted to do on a daily. At first it was just limiting my social media consumption and doing 15 minutes of meditation day to day. Then gradually those goals got bigger, like going to the supermarket, or going back to my online classes.

Britany helped me challenge my negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones and it’s been working well.

“Every little bit counts,” Brittany would say and she was right. Slowly but surely I started to feel more in control. I even went back to work part time, something I never thought I’d be able to do.

Looking back I can’t believe how far I’ve come. NDIS Counselling gave me the tools to manage my anxiety and get my life back. If you’re struggling like I was, don’t wait to get help. Services like Goal Coach can make a big difference, helping you take those first steps towards a better tomorrow.

Emily’s journey shows that with the right support, you can overcome even the toughest challenges. If anxiety is holding you back, don’t wait—reach out to Goal Coach today and take the first step towards reclaiming your life. Your better tomorrow starts now.

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