Finding Peace: Jasper’s Journey with NDIS Recovery Coaching

Here is a write-up from a conversation with “Jasper,” one of our online NDIS clients.

Jasper has expressed that he experiences heighted worry from day one, a blessing and a curse if you asked him. He likes the fact he’s great with details – which makes him an awesome author in his career– but his anxiety over perfection is crippling. 

As a child he worried about small stuff – a lost toy, a forgotten homework assignment, a disagreement with a friend. As he got older those worries grew and became more extensive anxiety that would get in the way of his daily life and stop him from pursuing writing opportunities. By the time he was in his late 30s he couldn’t leave the house without fear and panic. 

Jasper’s anxiety was impacting not just his work but his relationships and life in general. Tasks like grocery shopping or meeting his publisher for coffee were huge challenges. He felt stuck in a cycle of worry and fear and couldn’t get out. That’s when a mate suggested to look into counselling via his NDIS plan. Desperate for change and wanting to continue his writing career with reduced anxiety, he booked a free 15 minute call with Goal Coach on a miserable Tuesday afternoon.

Jasper was matched with Simone, a recovery coach. He describes Simone as warm and non judgmental and felt comfortable enough to talk about his struggles during each session. She told him anxiety was common and there were ways to manage it. 

“Talking to Simone was like opening a window in a stuffy room,” Jasper says. “I could finally breathe a little easier having her validate my struggles rather than dismissing them.”
“Simone taught me it’s okay to have setbacks as well,” Jasper says. “The important thing is to remember that a lot of the anxiety I have is just my brain overanalyzing.”
Jasper felt more in control of his anxiety and less afraid of the world outside. Jasper’s relationships improved. With Simone’s help he learned to communicate better with people around him and to explain himself better.
“The small stuff grew into big stuff. I’ve never felt fully comfortable talking to my publisher and I still get the jitters every time but I can feel more and more open to talking to him about my latest draft than before.”

Jasper is so glad he got the support through his NDIS plan. He managed his anxiety and got his life back.

“If it wasn’t for Simone and the NDIS I don’t know where I’d be today,” Jasper says. “They gave me hope when I had none and helped me find my way back to myself.”

Jasper’s story is a testament to the power of recovery coaching. If you’re anxious get in touch and take the first step to a better more manageable life. If you need guidance and support contact Goal Coach, a service that helps people navigate their mental health and achieve their goals. Get started on your journey today.

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