Faye’s Specialist Support Coordination Story

Hi! I’m Faye 43 and I live out in Byron Bay and I’ve been getting specialist support coordination from Dove at Goal Coach through the NDIS. Dealing with chemo, an amputation, and the mental stress of getting used to my new normal on top of my day-to-day has been a real battle but Dove has been a lifesaver for me.

Before Dove came along, getting used to my wheelchair, managing my hospital trips for check ups, and all the nasty side effects alone was a nightmare. I was all over the shop trying to schedule PT, treatments and appointments. Dove took over all that, coordinated with my therapists, the hospitals, reached out to the doctors I needed, maximised my NDIS plan, and just generally sorted everything out. I could focus on getting better instead of worrying about logistics.

On top of that, living in a more remote area has its own dramas especially when it comes to getting everyday stuff. Dove sorted out getting groceries delivered to my door which has been a lifesaver especially when I was too out of it to go get food.

The best part? Dove is an online specialist support coordinator. This means I can contact her anytime, anywhere without having to worry about long trips into town or waiting for appointments. Whether it’s a quick text or video call Dove is always just a click away. This has made a big difference especially when new symptoms pop up or I need to change my schedule on the fly.

Dove has taken the time to understand my individual needs and the chaos that is cancer treatments and made me feel heard and respected. She’s also connected me with local support groups, so I feel part of the community, though that’s something we’re still working on.

In a nutshell Dove has turned my life around. Her focus on my wellbeing and integration into the community has given me so much comfort and strength.

Thanks Dove and Goal Coach. Massive. 🙂👍🏼😊

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