Mia’s Testimonial

Mia, 30, Perth

Hello, I’m Mia. I lived with anxiety and depression for years. Life was one long day with no end to the darkness and getting better seemed never going to happen. One sleepless night I was browsing the net and found NDIS Recovery Coaching. I was willing to try anything at this point, so I said why not and gave it a go.

I was matched with a recovery coach named Simone and from our first video call I felt at ease. Simone was warm, understanding and I thought that she honestly believed in me when I myself didn’t. 

“Recovery is a journey, not a destination,” Simone said then, and I remember laughing because that’s such a cliche thing to say.

We started with small goals, like setting up a morning routine. She taught me some mindfulness exercises like the 5-4-3-2-1 Grounding Technique and meaningful alone time, like meditation, as self-care. What worked for me was her suggestion to keep a journal to write down my thoughts and track my progress. Simone helped me understand this journal log, as we would often spend our time in sessions breaking this down.

With Simone’s help I learned to identify my triggers and strengths. I felt like me again – I walked, cooked, signed up for a part-time course and caught up with old friends. Surely enough, I slowly believed in that cliche saying and to this day I’d find myself repeating it when I find myself with setbacks!

“Celebrate the small wins,” Simone always says, and I knew better than to dismiss it. “They’re all progress.”

And I have! Finding NDIS Recovery Coaching online was the game changer. Simone’s coaching got me through the tough times and showed me the way. Everyone says it but it’s true. If you’re struggling, don’t wait, take small steps and big things will follow.

Let Us Help You Reach Your Goals

Your journey is unique, and we’re here to support you—whether it’s occupational therapy, recovery coaching, support coordination or counselling. Together, we’ll guide you towards achieving your goals.

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