Lyn Kemperman strongly believes in the right of NDIS participants to have a scheme that gives them a better quality of life, and she’s putting this into action with support from Goal Coach.
When her daughter Claire was given a new NDIS plan that wouldn’t support her goals, it completely limited her choice and control and options around living a good life. Claire has high support needs, severe and complex behaviours and anxiety which require specific expertise and well-coordinated services to support her properly.
It was clear early on that Claire required an individual specialist disability accommodation (SDA) setting, but when Claire’s plan excluded this, Lyn took it up with the NDIA.
The months of hard work have paid off, Claire is now in a new home, safe and much happier, and the NDIA has now approved Claire for individual specialist disability accommodation.
Lyn says although they finally have the individual accommodation for Claire, they still need the services to support it, so the challenges continue.
Goal Coach is helping Lyn to seek answers as to why Claire’s day-to-day supports have been reduced and some removed from her plan, despite the amount of evidence that shows that this support is essential for Claire.
If you want to find out more about Goal Coach’s NDIS eligibility access service or how our counselling, support coordination or recovery coaching can support you live a life beyond the label of psychosocial disability, book a free 15-minute chat with one of our friendly team