Camille’s Story: Managing Depression with Occupational Therapy

A small light blue crocheted octopus on a sofa with blurred cotton yarn in the background

Camille, 32 and struggling with depression and couldn’t manage daily tasks she wanted to do, like meeting up with friends, finishing her crochet projects, or even getting out of bed. The day that she wanted to get back in control of her life, she turned to Goal Coach for online occupational therapy, unknowing that this was a game changer for her. 

After matching her needs, she chose to start her journey with occupational therapy. The online format was convenient as she could get one on one support without leaving her home. Her therapist, Kate, introduced her to the practice of mental imagery, to help her visualise success in everyday tasks—from self care, to getting back into her hobbies, to fixing herself up to go on a walk– to big steps like meeting a friend over for coffee. This helped build her confidence and reduced anxiety. Camille also did sensory modulation activities, like using weighted blankets and listening to calming music, to manage stress and sensory overload on days that were too heavy.

Later, after mastering this, Kate and Camille moved to learning how to manage stress with practical skills like structured problem solving and relaxation training. “These tips really made daily living activities more manageable—even becoming enjoyable. I didn’t know how much it made an impact on me until I called my doctor for an appointment and realised I didn’t feel the usual anxiety over a phone call.”

The support from her NDIS plan, Kate and Goal Coach enabled Camille to live a more independent life. She now faces each day with hope and confidence, with the tools to tackle her challenges.

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