Mary’s Story: Finding Strength Through Recovery Coaching

Meet Mary, 45 and self-proclaimed “best grandma out East”, always seemed to have it all together. But with her boys leaving for their own families, going through a hard time during the pandemic and the ever-growing fear of loved ones getting sick, anxiety started creeping in. That’s how she found herself before coming to Goal Coach—life flying by faster than she could blink and finding herself reaching for a glass of wine a little too often to cope.

It was her son who was insistent she try Recovery Coaching, taking advantage of the NDIS plan she currently has. When she gave in, she met Becky, her recovery coach. Mary didn’t think her drinking was “bad enough” to need help but Becky’s stern but kind approach during her sessions made her reflect.

“Becky didn’t just see my anxiety; she saw my empathy and love for family,” Mary says. “She helped me see I had the power to change the way I handle my reactions to it.”

Becky worked with Mary to develop practical strategies to manage her anxiety and stop drinking. They started with small, achievable goals – mindfulness exercises, healthier coping mechanisms, and daily routines.

One of the biggest changes was when Becky suggested Mary swap her evening drink for time with her grandkids. They would read stories, play games or just chat. At first it felt weird and she longed for that weight of the glass in her hands, but over time Mary found great joy and comfort in these new evening routines. Not only did this strengthen her bond with her grandkids but her son noticed the positive changes in her too.

“Honestly I thought my wine habit was no big deal,” Mary laughs. “But swapping it for storytime with my grandkids? Game changer!”

Becky also helped Mary work through her fears about time and loss. They did grounding techniques and positive affirmations and Mary was able to stay present and appreciate the moments she had with her family. Becky’s consistency and understanding made Mary feel less alone in her journey.

“Using the NDIS budget wisely can make a big difference in your life,” Becky said. “It’s all about finding the right support and making sure it aligns with your goals.”

The improved relationship with her grandchildren—and in turn her sons— brought Mary a lot of joy. They started having open conversations and his eldest was relieved to see his mum taking care of herself. This deeper connection brought peace to Mary and made family gatherings even more fun.

Through Becky’s kindness and customised approach, Mary has found hope again. She feels more ready for what’s to come and can now look forward to tomorrow.

If anxiety and unhealthy habits are holding you back, Recovery Coaching could be the change you need. Take the first step towards a healthier, happier life—reach out today and discover how personalised support can make a difference.

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