Jo’s Recovery Coaching Experience With Kara

Before I met Kara, my anxiety was a brick wall. Life was overwhelming and the NDIS was a nightmare to navigate. Kara changed everything for me.

From our first meeting Kara’s understanding and open demeanour made me feel at ease. She not only helped me set small achievable goals and celebrated with me every little win, but also heard me out when I vented my frustrations on getting the support I needed.

“That’s what I’m here for!” she would say and I loved that because it made me less alone in my journey.

Kara handled all the NDIS paperwork and appointments for me and made my life so much easier. Her support went beyond our sessions – she was always just a phone call away. Even if I didn’t always contact her on a daily basis, the thought that I could just message her and she’d be available to help was comfort enough. 

Before Kara I was controlled by my anxiety. Now I feel empowered. Thanks to Kara and the NDIS Recovery Coaching program I have hope and control back in my life.

If you need a kind guide I highly recommend Kara at Goal Coach. She’s more than a coach; she’s a ray of hope!

— Jo 

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