Kevin’s Story: Regaining Independence with Occupational Therapy

After the accident Kevin’s life changed dramatically and he was left with a physical disability which worsened his anxiety and depression. He couldn’t get himself up to eat or sleep because of the limitations of this disability. Majority of this new life was spent in the confines of his own room as well, thinking that his friends would surely be shocked when they see him next. Gardening, which he used to enjoy to help him with his depression, seemed like a chore. Kevin felt useless and had points where he was in denial of what happened. He felt like this was his new normal and hated it.

He was trapped in isolation and struggled with daily tasks—and with this, his mental health declined drastically.

His sister Emily, who lives with him, saw correlation of the overgrowth of Kevin’s beloved garden and his brother’s mental health struggles. Although he kept mentioning that he’s fine, she still reached out to people to help him overcome this part of their lives. Through this, Emily found out that online occupational therapy was part of his NDIS plan and budget. She knew it would be low stakes due to the accessibility of telehealth, but high reward for Kevin’s condition.

Kevin was reluctant but agreed, later mentioning that his progress was initially to keep his sister happy. He soon met Kate, an occupational therapist who engaged in virtual sessions with patients through Goal Coach’s website.

Kate’s warm and professional approach put Kevin at ease. She created a plan to help him manage his physical and mental challenges. She started with small goals and helped Kevin build the daily skills to improve his daily living, routine and sense of achievement, like to organise his bedroom space to turn it from a source of stress to a place of comfort.

“Kate showed me small wins are big wins” Kevin said after his third session as he felt a sense of achievement as his home was getting more organised, and his beloved plants were no longer shrivelled up on his window sill.

Kate also introduced Kevin to practical routines such as self care and organising his fridge so he could easily pick out his meals for the entire day rather than have another hurdle to overcome. 

In addition to this, Kate taught Kevin mindfulness techniques and deep breathing exercises to manage his anxiety. These tools helped him to stay calm and focused especially during overwhelming moments. 

After five sessions Kevin was able to cook a meal—a big milestone for someone who could barely prepare one a month ago.

“It felt really good,” Kevin said. “I still struggle day to day, but I feel more positive that I could actually live better than before”

Kate’s support went beyond organisation and coping strategies. She also helped Kevin establish a daily routine that included engaging back into his hobby of gardening. The flexibility of online therapy meant Kevin could access Kate’s support without the stress of commuting or having people inside his home to overwhelm him.

“I’m not yet in the part of my life where having people see me after the accident is a good experience, but Kate has given me at least some semblance of control over my life. It makes me believe that there’s hope for me, and even if I don’t believe it myself, my sister and Kate does. The thought encourages me to leave my bed every morning more than I imagined.” Kevin said.

Kevin is only five sessions in but he is feeling better than before. He knows there will be setbacks but he is looking forward to the journey. Kate’s commitment and Kevin’s determination is already making a difference to his life.

Here’s to Kevin’s journey! Online occupational therapy in action. Small steps, big changes. 🎉👍

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