Guide to NDIS specialist support coordination

Last updated: September 21, 2024
Table of Contents

A specialist support coordinator will:

  • Assist you design comprehensive service plans

  • Reduce risk and harmful environmental and social factors

  • Confidently coordinate your professional team to respond to your needs

  • Address complicated and ongoing barriers

  • Focus on building your independence and reduce the need for restrictive interventions

  • Resolve issues and assist you to prepare and plan for unexpected events.

Qualifications of a specialist support coordinator

There is no required qualification for a specialist support coordinator, but they need to have specific expertise relating to your challenges. For example, if you need help finding appropriate accommodation, your specialist support coordinator needs to know how the system works and who to talk to, especially when the need is urgent.

Your specialist support coordinator may have a background in high-level disability services, in social work or allied health professions such as occupational therapy or psychology.

All of Goal Coach’s specialist support coordinators have a diverse range of experience in supporting people with complexity in their life. They have expertise in several areas, including counselling and social work, and exceed the minimum expectations set out by the NDIS Commission. Find out more about our team.

How to choose a specialist support coordinator

Look for a specialist support coordinator who is experienced in dealing with the challenges or barriers you’re facing. If you live in a rural area and you’re struggling to find support workers with the right skills, it will help to have a specialist support coordinator who understands your needs and has experience finding innovative solutions in similar situations. You may also feel more comfortable working with a specialist support coordinator who has knowledge about your type of disability. If you have complex mental health needs or psychosocial supports, you’ll need someone with skills and expertise in this area.

How specialist support coordination can help maximise NDIS plan

Specialist support coordinators can be absolutely essential for helping a participant to use their NDIS plan and get the support they need. Their role is to intervene where things just aren’t working, or there are barriers preventing the participant accessing support and using their plan funding.

Without a specialist support coordinator, the person with a disability could be unable to get support workers or critical therapy, could be caught up in the justice system or even facing homelessness. In these complex and sometimes urgent situations, specialist support coordinators are so important.

Find out more about Goal Coach’s specialist support coordination services.

If you want to find out more about Goal Coach’s NDIS eligibility access service or how our counselling, support coordination or recovery coaching can support you live a life beyond the label of psychosocial disability, book a free 15-minute chat with one of our friendly team

Let Us Help You Reach Your Goals

Your journey is unique, and we’re here to support you—whether it’s occupational therapy, recovery coaching, support coordination or counselling. Together, we’ll guide you towards achieving your goals.

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